Search result 11 of 26

Familiar customs and exotic rituals: Picart's illustrations for "Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples".
Veldman Ilja M

in: Simiolus, 33 (2007/2008), p. 94-111, ill.

geïllustreerde uitgaven
Bernard, Jean Frederic
Picart, Bernard
18e eeuw

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
E: Boekillustratie
M2: Godsdienst

signature: TE 1975

other studies by the same author

other studies with the same classification

Picart, Bernard - biographical data

Name: Picart, Bernard
address: Amsterdam 1714-1731

Picart, wed. Bernard - biographical data

Name: Picart, wed. Bernard
address: Amsterdam 1734

Images about Picart Bernard

Two illustrations from D. Martin, "Historie des Nieuwen Testaments", Amsterdam, Pieter Mortier, 1700.