Search result 83 of 782

Chinesche drukletters vervaardigd in Nederland: nieuw overzigt met opgave van de nieuw bijgekomen karakters = Chinese printing-types founded in the Netherlands: a new synopsis, with the addition of all the recently acquired characters
Hoffmann, J.

Amsterdam: Tetterode; Leiden: Sijthoff, 1864. - X, 24 p.

Via Google books beschikbaar als online document (gebruik de link onderaan).

lettertypen (Oosters)
Lettergieterij "Amsterdam" v/h Tetterode
19e eeuw

C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift

signature: 83 E 9

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Definition: text in which the person or institution addressed is directly addressed with announcements and/or questions.


Definition: 1. symbol indicating a phoneme or a composite sound 2. in printing: printing type 3. font.

script letters

Definition: 1 letter as used when writing. 2. type designed after the handwritten letter.

swash letters

Definition: an often italic variant of a normal typeface, for decorative purposes.