Search result 6 of 6

Glück, G.
year: 1900

related persons: Seversz, Jan Divisiekroniek
period: 16e eeuw
E: Boekillustratie
M9: Geschiedenis


other images with the same classification

Seversz, Jan - biographical data

Name: Seversz, Jan
Name: J. Zeversz, J. Zeeversoen, J. Severi, J. Zeveri, J. Zepheri, J. Zepherinus, J. Zeverinus, J. Severinus
address: Leiden ca 1501 - 1523
address: Antwerpen 1527-1529

Seversz, Jan - biographical data

Name: Seversz, Jan
Name: Zepherinus, Johannes
address: Leiden 1503-1523

Images about Seversz Jan

"Missale Trajectense", printed in Leiden by Jan Seversz, 1514