Search result 39 of 39

catalogue: Catalogus van alderlei soorten van boeken. [Van Domburgh was a member of the Council and Court Leet of Flanders in Middelburg, A.v.W. was a Roman Catholic priest]. [The Hague]: [Eustachius de Haan], [1764]. 8°: [4] 200 p.

auctioneer: Haan, Eustachius de

date auction: 1764-05-22
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 930 1524

Domburgh, C.F. van
Domburgh, C.F. van & A.v.W.

microfiche: mf 1558-1560 2580-2582

signature original: Amsterdam, UBA 2006 E 20:2

signature original: Paris, BN delta 3871:3