Another 'lost' book found: the "Melo Haggadah", Amsterdam 1622
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den Salomon, Herman Prins 1995 |
Bibliografia de los impresos en lenguas española y portuguesa de Holanda: com una bibliografia de los impresos en lengua portuguesa de Holanda y una primera muestra de los impresos en lengua española de Holanda
(boek/book) Boer, Harm den 1983 |
De Spaans- en Portugeestalige literatuur van de Sefardische joden van Amsterdam: tussen status en identiteit
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1990 |
Haham David Nunes Torres (1660-1728), bezitter van het enig overgebleven exemplaar van Uriël da Costa's "Exame das tradiçoes fariseas"
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den Salomon, Herman Prins 1994 |
Impresos españoles de Holanda c. 1600-c. 1800
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1987 |
Libros religiosos castellanos impresos en Amsterdam
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1983 |
Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands in Madrid and Lisbon public collections; II: Towards a bibliography of Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands (ca. 1580-ca. 1820)
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1989 |
Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands in Madrid and Lisbon public collections: towards a bibliography of Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands (±1580-±1820).
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1988 |
Spanish and Portuguese printing in the Northern Netherlands 1584-1825
(boek/book) Boer, Harm den 2003 |
Was Uriel da Costa's "Examen" seized by the Spanish inquisition? The Spanish "Index librorum prohibitorum" as a bibliographical source
(artikel/article) Boer, Harm den 1989 |