You have searched for %28creator+all+%22Boer+Harm+den%22%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 10

1. Another 'lost' book found: the "Melo Haggadah", Amsterdam 1622
Boer, Harm den Salomon, Herman Prins 1995
2. Bibliografia de los impresos en lenguas española y portuguesa de Holanda: com una bibliografia de los impresos en lengua portuguesa de Holanda y una primera muestra de los impresos en lengua española de Holanda
Boer, Harm den 1983
3. De Spaans- en Portugeestalige literatuur van de Sefardische joden van Amsterdam: tussen status en identiteit
Boer, Harm den 1990
4. Haham David Nunes Torres (1660-1728), bezitter van het enig overgebleven exemplaar van Uriël da Costa's "Exame das tradiçoes fariseas"
Boer, Harm den Salomon, Herman Prins 1994
5. Impresos españoles de Holanda c. 1600-c. 1800
Boer, Harm den 1987
6. Libros religiosos castellanos impresos en Amsterdam
Boer, Harm den 1983
7. Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands in Madrid and Lisbon public collections; II: Towards a bibliography of Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands (ca. 1580-ca. 1820)
Boer, Harm den 1989
8. Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands in Madrid and Lisbon public collections: towards a bibliography of Spanish and Portuguese editions from the Northern Netherlands (±1580-±1820).
Boer, Harm den 1988
9. Spanish and Portuguese printing in the Northern Netherlands 1584-1825
Boer, Harm den 2003
10. Was Uriel da Costa's "Examen" seized by the Spanish inquisition? The Spanish "Index librorum prohibitorum" as a bibliographical source
Boer, Harm den 1989