You have searched for %28atlassen%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 183

1. Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598): aartsvader van onze atlas
Werner, J.W.H. 1998
2. A catalogue of atlases, globes and maps, published by Joan Blaeu (1670-71), preserved in the Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerpen
Koeman, C. 1988
3. Advertenties voor kaarten, atlassen, globes e.d. in Amsterdamse kranten, 1621-1811
Krogt, P.C.J. van der 1985
4. Almanak verzamelingen topografisch beeldmateriaal: een overzicht van kaartenverzamelingen en topografisch-historische atlassen in Nederland
5. Amsterdam in tekening en prent: catalogus van den [...] topographischen en historischen "Atlas van Amsterdam", verzameld en nagelaten door den Weled. Heer J.F. Rompel [...].
6. Amsterdamsche atlassen
Vries, R.W.P. de 1889
7. A new edition that measures up to the original
Gaasbeek, Dick 2011
8. An increase in facsimile reprints
Koeman, C. 1964
9. Arent Roggeveen, "The burning fen", First part, published by Pieter Goos, Amsterdam, 1675 and Second part, published by Jacob Robijn, Amsterdam 1687
Koeman, C. 1988
10. Atlantes neerlandici: bibliography of terrestrial, maritime and celestial atlases and pilot books, published in the Netherlands up to 1880; VI: A suppl. to the vols. I-V and a bibliography of geographical, celestial and thematic atlases published in the Netherlands between1880 and 1940
Koeman, C. Homan, H.J.A. 1985