You have searched for %28boekdrukkunst%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 291 to 300 of 6336

291. Autores españoles en bibliotecas holandesas 1550-1650
Lechner, Jan 1991
292. 'Autor quem tantopere quaerebam...': erasmuslijn' "Deipnosophistae".
Gysens, Steven De Landtsheer Jeanine 2005
293. Autour des études de Juste Lipse sur Tacite: examen de quelques éditions du XVIe siècle
Ruysschaert, J. 1948
294. Autour d'une Bible flamande de Vorsterman (1528-1529).
Spanneut, M. 1960
295. Aux lecteurs de "L'histoire de l'imprimerie en Hollande".
Ledeboer, A.M. 1872
296. A very old fly in "Exercitium super Pater Noster II" in the Bibliothèque nationale de France
Schepers, Kees 1999
297. Avonturen als amateur-drukker
Krimpen, Huib van 1974
298. A well-governed colony: Frans Post's illustrations in Caspar Barlaeus' history of Dutch Brazil
Boogaart, E. van den 2011
299. A world-map in Armenian printed at Amsterdam in 1695
Koeman, C. 1966
300. A world of books: the book trade in Flanders and the Netherlands = Eine Welt aus Büchern: die Druckpresse in Flandern und den Niederlanden
Cauwelaert, R. van 1993