You have searched for %28Vossius%29+and+%28Isaac%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 10

1. Atlases and maps from the library of Isaac Vossius (1618-1689).
Vries, D. de 1981
2. Boerhaave: author and editor
Lindeboom, G.A. 1974
3. Brief van Menasseh ben Israel aan Isaac Vossius, 2 februari 1652
Offenberg, A.K. 1985
4. Contributions to the history of Isaac Vossius's library
Blok, F.F. 1974
5. Het uitleenboekje van Vossius
6. Isaac Vossius and his circle: his life until his farewell tot Queen Christina of Sweden 1618-1655
Blok F F 2000
7. Isaac Vossius and the Blaeus
Blok, F.F. 1996
8. 'Libri omissi' italiani del cinquecento provenienti dalla biblioteca di Isaac Vossius, ora nella biblioteca della Rijksuniversiteit di Leida
Balsem, A.C. 1994
9. Scaligers en Vossius' vrienden
Balsem A C 2007
10. Small book, long story: Franciscus F.F. Junius's copy of Prudentius in Leiden University Library
Derksen, Susan 2011