You have searched for %28Sambucus%29+and+%28Joannes%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 9 of 9

1. De Emblemata van Joannes Sambucus uitgegeven door de Officina Plantiniana [...].
Voet, L. Persoons, G. 1980
2. De Plantijnsche uitgaven van "Emblemata Joannis Sambuci".
Rooses, M. 1903
3. De samenwerking tussen Johannes Sambucus en Lucas D'Heere
Waterschoot, W. 1991
4. Een humanist in zijn bibliotheek
La Fontaine Verwey, H. de 1951
5. Gillis en Sambucus
Boas, M. 1921
6. Joannes Sambucus (1531-1584) and the learned image: forms and functions of a humanist emblem book
Visser A S Q 2003
7. Joannes Sambucus and the learned image: the use of the emblem in late-remaissance humanism
Visser A S Q 2005
8. The "Emblemata" of Sambucus as model for the printer Simon Steenbergen (1567).
Vermaseren, B.A. 1985
9. Why did Christopher Plantin publish emblem books?
Visser, A.S.Q. 2003