You have searched for %28Kis%29+and+%28Mykl%C3%B3s%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 21 to 27 of 27

21. The outfolding of Nicholaus Kis Tótfalusi's program of popular education during his Netherlands years
Dukkon, A. 1986
22. The rediscovery of a type designer: Miklós Kis
Heiderhoff, H. 1984
23. The types of Nicolas Kis
Lane, J.A. 1984
24. Transylvania and the Netherlands at the end of the XVIIth century
Tolnai, G. 1986
25. Tótfalusi Kis Miklós: az Amsterdami Biblia Kiadásának háromszá érfordulója alkalmából Debrecen 1985: aprilis 25-27 én megtartott konferencián elhaugzott, elöadások =Reports of the conference on the tricentenary of the Amsterdam edition of the bible by Nicholas KisTótfalusi: Debrecen, Hungary, 25-27 April, 1985
István, A.C.S. ... [et al.]. 1985
26. Tótfalusi Kis Miklós örmény betüi = The armenian types of Nicholas Kis Tótfalusi
Fogolyan, M. 1985
27. Zur Rehabilitierung des Nikolaus Kis
Heiderhoff, H. 1976