You have searched for %28Donatus%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 10

1. Boekdrukkunst: zes-en-twintig regelige Donatus
Holtrop, J.W. 1841
2. Ein weiteres Costerianum
Simoniti, P. 1974
3. Fifteenth-century schoolbooks
Mead, H.R. 1939
4. Haarlem the birth-place of printing, not Mentz
Hessels, J.H. 1887
5. Notes on some Donats of fourteen, fifteen and sixteen leaves of twenty-seven lines, printed in the Saliceto fount: some observations on text and construction in the light of recently discovered Donat fragments in Groningen, resembling GW 8775 and 8777
Hermans, Jos M.M. 1978
6. The place of printing of the Donatus edition GW 8870
Hellinga-Querido, Lotte Hellinga, W.G. 1965
7. Tweetal bijdragen, betrekkelijk de boekdrukkunst
Schinkel, A.D. 1844
8. Two Donatus fragments
Haraszti, Z. 1945
9. Xylographische Donate
Haebler, Konrad 1928
10. Zum Studium der altniederländischen Donate
Haebler, Konrad 1918