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Proof, 1908

Smit, D. (auteur/author)
Damme, J.J. (graveur/engraver)
Corns. Immig & Zoon (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1908

type: illustratie
detail: nee
dimensions: 24 x 32 cm (hele pagina)
related terms: drukproeven zetfouten correcties correctietekens
period: 20e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: There are clear rules and symbols for compositors to indicate in a manuscript how a text should be set and which applied everywhere. An indication can, for instance, be given which parts of the text should be in italics, small or large capitals, bold, underlined, etc. There are also correction marks and these are known to every printer and corrector. Here on the left is an example of an indication as to how the composition errors in a poem by Huygens should be corrected and, on the right, the result.

source: Smit, D. - Na vyf en dertig jaren : gedenkboek der Koninklyke Boek- en Steendrukkery, Boekbindery en Lichtdrukinrichtingen van Corns. Immig & Zoon Rotterdam, Amsterdam : 1873 - 15 September - 1908 / [door D. Smit. - Rotterdam: Corns. Immig & Zoon, 1908, niet gepagineerd.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag LHO ZKW.A 42b NL IMMI

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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