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"Tael- en dicht-kundige by-dragen", Leiden, 1760

Le Mair, Johannes (uitgever/publisher)
Delfos, A. (illustrator)
Delfos, A. (graveur/engraver)
year: 1760

type: titelblad
title page
technique: ets
detail: nee
dimensions: 20,4 x 12 cm.
related terms: tijdschriften titelpagina's
period: 18e eeuw
M43: Taalwetenschap, letterkunde: andere Germaanse talen

contents: The first Dutch literary magazine, appearing from 1758 -1762. Its aim was to put all newly published books 'connected with the Dutch language and allied topics, as well as the antiquities and poetry relating to our country [.]' before our readers and 'to add our opinion whether the understanding of the authors are for or against it, freely, honestly and as much as possible, quietly and modestly'. In the well-stocked cases the books are stored alternately upright and lying flat. The beehive to the left on the bookcase is traditionally a symbol of diligence, purity and immortality of the soul, and in this case also of spiritual food.

source: Tael en dicht-kundige by-dragen. - Leiden: Johannes Le Mair, 1760, titelpagina
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 654 B 8

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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