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Printing house for prints, end of the 16th century

Stradanus, Giovanni [Straet, Jan van der] (illustrator)
Galle, Filips (uitgever/publisher)
Collaert, Hans (graveur/engraver)
year: [1587-1589]

type: prent
detail: nee
dimensions: 20,3 x 27,3 cm.
related terms: plaatdrukkers gravure plaatpersen
period: 16e eeuw
E: Boekillustratie

contents: Example of a printing office for prints. Shown is, among other things, the engraving of the illustration on the plate and the operation of a large press whereby a heavy cylinder is pressed over the inked copperplate with, on it, the paper to be printed. Finished prints are hanging up to dry from stretched lines. Stradanus's print is part of "Nova reperta", a series consisting of 19 prints showing all the important inventions and discoveries known so far.

source: Stradanus, Giovanni. - Nova reperta. - Antwerpen, Filips Galle en Hans Collaert, [1587-1589].
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Rijksmuseum Rijksprentenkabinet
Amsterdam Rijksmuseum


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