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Bookbinders' tools in D. de Bray, "Onderwijs van `t Boek-Binden", 1658

Bray, Dirk de (auteur/author)
Bray, Dirk de (illustrator)
year: 1658

type: tekening
detail: nee
dimensions: 8,3 x 5,8 cm.
related terms: boekbinden leermiddelen boekbindersmaterialen
period: 17e eeuw
F: Bindkunst

contents: This drawing by Dirk de Bray belongs to a list of what a bookbinder needs, such as, for instance, a paper knife, all kinds of knives, tongs and scissors, a hammer, a square, sprinkling brushes, sprinkling paint, a pot of glue, etc.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland
Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland



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