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Frontispiece of P.Marchand, "Histoire de l' origine et des premiers progrès de l' imprimerie", The Hague, 1740 Schley, J.V. (graveur/engraver) Le Vier, Wed. (drukker/printer) Paupie, Pierre (drukker/printer) year: 1740 type: titelblad title page detail: nee dimensions: 19 x 15 cm. related terms: boekdrukkunst titelprenten period: 18e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst contents: This engraving represents an allegorical ode to the art of printing. The `Art of Printing', personified by a female figure, is descending from heaven. To her left and right are Minerva and Mercury, the gods of wisdom and protectors of the arts. According to the caption `the Art of Printing' is entrusted by these two gods to `Germany', Gutenberg's country, who introduces her to `Holland', `England', `Italy', and `France' the first four countries were the art of printing was applied. The personifications of the countries have been represented with the portraits of their most important printers. `Holland' is leaning on a portrait of Laurens Janszoon Coster. origineel: source: Marchand, P. - Histoire de l'origine et des premiers progrès de l'imprimerie. - Den Haag: Wed. Le Vier & Pierre Paupie, 1740, titelprent available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 3118 A 7 ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |